My Voice, My Choice: A Citizens’ Initiative for Safe and Accessible Abortion in the EU

Sign like someone’s life depends on it—because it does.

Your signature can be the difference for over 20 million women across the European Union who still face barriers to accessing safe abortion care. In Poland, women are dying in hospitals because abortion is banned. In Malta, women risk up to three years in prison for seeking an abortion outside of a few narrow legal exceptions. In Hungary, women are forced to listen to the heartbeat of a fetus and stand before a committee just to exercise their right to choose. Across Europe, women are suffering unnecessarily, because they are denied their most basic rights.

This is why a group of friends, activists, and organizations from across the EU has united to make Europe a safer, better place for all. We launched the European Citizens’ Initiative “My Voice, My Choice” to secure the right to safe abortion for every individual living in the EU.

You can sign our initiative right now—before even finishing the article:

A Movement That’s Making Waves

On September 28th, International Safe Abortion Day, we organized the largest in-person signature collection in European history, we joined forces with over 1.000 volunteers and 300 organizations across 20 countries. They spread our message everywhere—on the streets, at concerts, in coffee shops—anywhere someone would listen. And they weren’t just collecting signatures; they were sparking conversations and spreading awareness.

Belle from Malta captured the spirit perfectly:
“International Safe Abortion Day in Malta was incredible. The turnout was larger than ever before, and the energy was electric. It felt like a powerful protest for change—a real statement that people will no longer accept these barriers.”

In Ostrava, Czechia, Svaťka shared a moving encounter:
“I met a group of Polish-speaking people, and one woman turned out to be an activist for women’s rights in her country. She loved the ‘My Voice, My Choice’ initiative, signed immediately, and promised to get her colleagues involved too.”

Dar, another volunteer, found solidarity and friendship through the campaign:
“I met an amazing group of like-minded women, who are now friends. Some even joined our efforts and are excited to help out in other cities.”

Sign Today, Shape Tomorrow

On International Safe Abortion Day, we achieved an extraordinary milestone by collecting over 35.000 signatures on September 28th alone—an average of 24 signatures per minute! This effort was made possible by the passion of our wonderful volunteers and the thousands of individuals who took a stand for reproductive rights. We are deeply grateful to every person who signed, shared, and spread our message that day.

But while this was a significant step forward, our journey is far from over. To bring our initiative to life we still need 330.000 signatures. That’s 330.000 more people who must stand up and demand safe and accessible abortion across Europe. Only when we reach 1 million signatures will we have the opportunity to take this fight directly to the European Commission, where we will demand action.

We are just one-third away from creating a movement of over one million people. Every single signature brings us closer to a Europe where no woman has to risk her life, freedom, or dignity to access the healthcare she needs. The power to create this change is in our hands, but our time is running out. Now, more than ever, we need you to act, to speak out, and to spread the word. Together, we can ensure that every woman in the EU has the right to choose.

It’s Time to Get the Job Done

We are excited to announce that we’re preparing two big in-person signature collection events across Europe. We will be present in the majority of European countries once again bringing our campaign to the streets, public squares, and community centers.

Not One More

From October 21st to 28th, we will hold a signature collection in memory of Dr. Savita Halappanavar, who died in Ireland in 2012 after being denied a life-saving abortion. Savita was a dentist of Indian origin, excited to start a family with her loving husband, which stated “It was her first baby, first pregnancy and you know she was on top of the world basically,” “She was so happy and everything was going well, she was so excited.”

However, she began to miscarry and requested an abortion, but doctors refused her on legal grounds. She died days later from sepsis, sparking outrage and leading to a historic change in Ireland’s reproductive laws.

Her best friend, Shilpa Rose Renjith, said it best:
“She did something incredible for the world. I think she would be really proud. She’s helped so many other women. She was never a person for herself—she was always about others. That’s exactly what she did when she left us. She was one of the friendliest people in the world, always making friends with everyone.”

While Ireland has changed its laws, over 20 million women in Europe are still suffering. Many have to travel abroad, paying high amounts of money for abortion care that should be their basic right. Together we must fight for women who have died because of restrictive abortion laws. Let’s honor Savita’s memory by fighting for women’s rights, building friendships along the way, and ensuring no more women die needlessly.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Our second signature collection will take place on November 25th – the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. This date is particularly meaningful, as it highlights the urgent need to address the violence and discrimination that women face daily. We want to spread the message that access to safe and legal abortion is essential in the fight for women’s rights and body autonomy.

We believe that these two signature collections will bring us closer to our goal of collecting one million signatures. Each signature is a step toward a better Europe, where women have fundamental rights.

You too can join the cause:

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Become a volunteer: Join our team of passionate volunteers across Europe.

Together we can do it.

Picture of Lucija Borak

Lucija Borak

Lucija Borak is a University of Ljubljana Marketing Communications and Public Relations graduate. She is the digital graphic design lead for the "My Voice, My Choice" campaign, which aims to guarantee safe and accessible abortion in Europe.

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