Our journey began in early 2020 with the inception of a Facebook group dedicated to Spanish-speaking women in Estonia. What started as a modest online community has since flourished into a vibrant network, offering a space for women to share their experiences, seek support, and engage in discussions on feminism, culture, and beyond.
As our community discussions evolved, we became increasingly aware of the need for stronger support networks to empower migrant women in Estonia. We recognized the importance of creating spaces where these women could strengthen their voices, share their experiences, and advocate for themselves within a diverse community.
Our organization, the International Women’s Network in Estonia, was born out of this realization. Beyond addressing immediate challenges, OUR MISSION extends to advocacy for diversity and integration, gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Through our work, WE AIM to create a more inclusive and equitable society where every woman has the opportunity to thrive regardless of their nationality or background.
As we continue to grow our efforts, we remain steadfast in OUR BELIEF that every woman deserves to live free from violence and discrimination. Together, we work towards building a future where diversity is celebrated, gender equality is realized, and women are empowered to fulfill their potential.
“The only real prison is fear. The only real freedom is freedom from fear.”
Super powers: Creativity, Playing, Participation, Feminism, Empathy, Facilitation, Justice, Motivation, Shining, Fun
“Knowledge ignites action, turning dreams into reality.”
Super powers: Design, Research, Advocacy, Equality, Justice, Compassion, Awareness, Sketching, Prose, Activism
“Cultivating a world where inclusivity blooms in harmony!”
Superpowers: Design, Playing, Community Engagement, Empathy, Psychology, Equal Rights, Advocacy, Motivation, Listening, Honesty
“The only constant is change.”
Superpowers: Project Management, Consulting, Coaching, Psychology, Empathy
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.”
Superpowers: Ethical Communication, Teaching, AI, Graphic Design, Cultural Appreciation
“I am not my thoughts, I am the silence that observes everything.”
Superpowers: Empathy, Honesty, Community Engagement, Marketing Project Management
“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” -by Nelson Mandela
Superpowers: Compassion, communication, planning, listening, mediation, analyzing, laughing
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
My super powers: Empathy, Innovative, Learning and development, Education, Coaching, Writing